Over the Pacific
September 28, 2024

En route.

Of all of the parts of this crazy life of mine, it might be the flights I treasure most.

Hours of beautiful, disconnected, liminal space. Space to process what's happened, wrap my mind and heart around that last chapter. Space to look ahead, imagine and wonder what will happen next.
Feel my heart pulse, happy, as we watch the clouds, mountains, oceans sweep by the windows. See the world curve below me, the sky and ocean reflecting each other in the most stunning cerulean blue. Us out here, amongst the stars.

It's the space where I have the most clarity, am the kindest to myself and all the world I belong to. Where everything makes sense, where figuring out what's important, how I want to spend my precious few days - is simple.

Feel so, so lucky to get to live this life, and to get to share it with folks. I get that it's not for everyone - for a little while, I tried to convince myself it wasn't really for me - that I was done with it, ready to be wake up in one place every single day.

But after a lifetime of moving, the truth is, it's always fit. I'm happy to trade the upset stomachs, the weight limits on my earthly possessions, the limited days with some of my closest friends and family for what this life gives me - simplicity, and stimulus. The ability to spend the thing I value most - time - on days filled with adventure, meaning, and the inescapable feeling that my life is both tiny and insignificant, and deeply intertwined with everyone else on this globe.

That everywhere, no matter where we are or where we go - we're all in this together.

Thanks for sharing some of your week with me, reading these letters.

I can't wait to show you what's next. :)

With lots of love, -Steven

p.s. The best thing I saw all week was this restaurant where they get the orders wrong rather a lot - but everyone goes home happy.

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